Monday, 5 September 2011
“Hooking up” with Social Media
Hello boys & girls!
I don’t know if you have seen my Facebook profile. I don’t know if you care! Haha! But if you haven’t, I’ll have to explain this first. When I joined Facebook and uploaded my profile picture, I started getting a lot of chats/messages from guys asking in I was on MSN or Skype, and could they add me. I’d also get a lot of “proposals” for meet-ups and questions about if I was available (for lord knows what!) on such and such date.
I quickly disabled my chat box. Eventually, I had to try and make it very clear what I am and what I stand for, so to speak. Or rather, what I am not and what I am not looking for! Here’s what I wrote to clarify!
Please read:
It's just an illusion:
I am not a transsexual.
I am not a transvestite.
I am not on Facebook for sex.
I am not on Facebook to find random men to "talk dirty" on MSN.
I am here to promote myself as a "gender illusionist".
I feel I have to explain this even clearer to some people, so here goes:
*If your profile/username/picture is an obvious fake, you know, like Long John or Hung Low, I will not accept you.
It's surprising how many faceless anonymous brainless 'gods gifts to women' there are here on Facebook, and most of them can't read.. I won't just automatically accept friendship requests from every Tom Dick and Harry who contact me.
And I don't see why I should have to keep the FB chat function permanently offline to avoid all the questions about when and where we can meet and how good I am at giving head!
It's not that I don't understand the attention and appreciate the compliments, don't get me wrong..
It's just getting tiring and boring now...
Kind regards Diamond x
Now, don’t get me wrong, this didn’t stop the advances, as it’s clear some men cannot read, or if they can, they still believe they are so much better than other men, so they still try!
But so far I have never been approached on Twitter. So far. That changed today! Here’s a conversation as it happened live on Twitter, from a 21 year old boy who, surprisingly, wasn’t following me!
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl hi there
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Hello!
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl how r u?
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Yeah fabulous thanks! (Twitter is the new Chat Roulette now??)
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl lol.. yes.. try skype yet?
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Hahahahahahahahaha! Yeah I have thanks!
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl bigbiceps21 :)
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Cool! Lemme guess... you want me to add you on Skype so I can
show you my titties and you show me your bulging... biceps? ;)
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl nah. ill still show my biceps
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Aww! Well I have news for u! I left my titties in storage in South London &ur biceps are far from big, in fact, mine are bigger
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl well we can see about that
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles No. We can't.
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl why?
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Just cause!
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl scared of my guns :)
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Hahahahahahahah! GUNS??? Are you for real??? More like firecrackers, and sad wet ones at that!
NickMuscles @MsDiamondPearl and urs are so much bigger
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Seeing as I'm a bloke that is highly likely, yes! ;)
That is when it went quiet… so I added:
MsDiamondPearl @NickMuscles Aww... are you embarrassed that you tried to pull a bloke? ;)
I know! Cheeky, but I couldn’t help myself!
Now, I had to go check to be sure, as I seemed to remember writing “Drag Diva” on my Twitter profile, and lo and behold, there it was, on my profile… “Drag Diva”!
It’s not that I’m annoyed by this kid’s “efforts”, I find it amusing in a way! but, having looked at his account, this is what he does, approaches girls asking them to Skype him… Good luck, at least he’s not running around the streets killing people!
Love, peace and biceps, Diamond! Mwah! xx
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Being a drag queen!
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Farewell Soho! Part 1
(Note: this turned into a very long post and I started writing it in early July. I decided to split it up for ease of reading. Part 2 coming very soon, on this page!)
Yesterday was my last day in my little Soho Palace, all my furniture and possessions left in a van last night. Today I spent a few hours cleaning and putting out the rubbish, and then locked the door for the last time!
I should perhaps explain why I've decided to write a blog post about this! I have lived in Soho for quite a substantial time, almost 8 years. After being a Stokey "Girl" for a while I moved in with my boyfriend in Soho in 2003, and we lived together for over 5 years. On top of that I have always worked in Soho, since coming to London in 2000, and have taken a keen interest in the local life, culture and gay scene, working closely with charity organisations based in Soho.
After almost 6 years my boyfriend and I broke up. For a while I thought that this was my natural cue to leave London, and I even did, for 2 months. I went abroad, the aim was to start a new life, but no matter how I looked at it I felt like I had left my heart and soul in London, in Soho! So I came back, I found a flat in Soho and got on with it!
This is when I "found myself" so to speak. I had friends, sure, but they were mostly part of my ex's group, and I felt the need to go out and make my own social circuit so to speak! So, I bought some supplies, made an outfit, and ventured to Trannyshack! Having heard and read about the club, and having done drag in the past (link) it was something I was keen on doing again and getting back into.
Going alone to a place like this can be daunting, and I was a little tense as I walked in, but the crowd were very welcoming and I had a blast! The first time there, and I met some very interesting people and formed some great connections, and I wanted more!

Click image to watch video on YouTube!
By this time, I had moved into my new flat, literally on the doorstep of Trannyshack! I set up my sewing machine and got busy, making costumes for the shows. My little one bed soon became more reminiscent of the wardrobe department of a theatre, with dresses, boas, wigs, handbags and shoes!
(To be continued!)
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Wooden Fascination!

Emma Yeo makes fascinators, and while you might be right in saying she is not alone in that craft (I myself have at least 3 friends with that skill) there is a nice twist to her work, if you pardon the pun!
Emmas fascinators are wooden! No, I don't mean as in boring, they are litterally made from wood! She works in the thinnest sheets of exotic wood I've ever seen, some coated in a resin, making them extremely soft and plyable. She then laser cuts the sheets into exquisitly delicate patterns of swirls and twists, some bent into wing like shapes, others layered to resemble flowers you might find on a desert. Her forms are backed in suede or the sweetest Liberty style printed fabrics, some are large enough to please Lady Gaga, others are a brilliant final touch to an evening outfit teamed with tan or brown leather accessories!
All of them beautiful and intriguing.
At her stall, Emma displayed some of the wooden wonders in white frames on the wall, perfectly illustrating how perfectly well they could work as art when not worn!
Well worth a look so visit her website andsee for yourself! I bet you'll be as amazed as I was, even if you wouldn't wear one you will surely appreciate the complexity of the design.
Note: this is my first blog post from the Pen Your Blog app, will add some images when at my laptop!Love as always, Diamond x
Friday, 20 May 2011
Nail varnish: Shimmering Anthracite

Recently I went shopping with my best friend Cookie, I was looking for matte black nail varnish, suitable for every day wear, as well as a few other trinkets but couldn’t find any! Eventually we ended up in the huge Boots at Piccadilly Circus, and I caved in and picked up a grey one from 17 called Smoke Signal. The same brand also did a black so I picked that, and a gorgeous peacock blue too! I’m going to write a separate post about that!
I was ready to pay for my new items when cookie found a crackle glaze in gold which I swapped for the black, and I will blog about that later!
Anyway, the 17 Smoke Signal looks ok on it’s own, probably not a colour I would wear as it is, but I tested it with the crackle glaze and it looked cool!

Grey on its own on pinky, ring finger has one coat of glitter.
Today however, I dug out a 2True Glossywear glitter varnish Shade 2 from my kit and after 2 coats of Smoke Signal I added a coat of glitter. On it’s own the glitter is iridescent clear with a hint of blue, but with the charcoal grey 17, it turned into the most gorgeous graphite anthracite colour! The camera won’t quite capture the colour but have a look!
There’s almost a lilac/mauve look to the glitter which can be seen in some of the pictures! I’m not a huge fan of lilac, but with the grey it looks stunning! I’d definitely try this combination again, for sure!
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Kylie on a cupcake!

Cox Cookies & Cake (yes that is their name) had a special on Kylie cupcakes this weekend, in honour of the pint sized pop princess' shows at the O2 arena (last show tonight by the way!
The only bakery I've ever heard of opened by a shoe designer, Patrick Cox, had sparkling cupcakes adorned with images of Kylie, as well as some topped with glittering pink "K"s, and the shop playing only Kylie tracks.

Attention to detail is key, and the staff wear studded black leather aprons and black jeans, and the walls and floors are glossy black, shelves trimmed in bright neon strips! This is not your typical bakery, but more like a cake covered disco! Lush!
Should you find yourselves in Soho, make your way to Brewer street to sample the delights! Should the Kylie promotion be over, worry not, as their regular range is deliciously naughty, featuring black and red skulls made from icing, fizz whizz cola cakes and bling cakes with sugar diamonds. There is also an XXX rated range with boobs and bodies and biceps!
Cakes have never been
Friday, 21 January 2011
Rage against the machines!
Unless you have an Oyster card, to ride a bus within central London, you will need to buy a £2.20 ticket at the stop, from a little red machine. This machine will sell you a ticket for one journey only, it used to sell day travel passes, but I don't think they do anymore. Paying your fare on the bus is not an option within central London, but as soon as you are outside an invisible border of sorts, this suddenly becomes possible! Strange but true!
The other monday I was going home with my boyfriend, and I didn't have my oyster card on me so I tried to buy a ticket at the stop, but the machine wasn't co-operating.
Now, on the Saturday before I went to his place from the same bus stop and the machine didn't work then, but this time it did react to pressing the button by displaying how much to insert so I thought it had been fixed. But this was not the case! Somehow I ended up somehow putting abt £4.50 in the machine but it wasn't providing a ticket... and that's when the bus arrived!
So we got on the bus, my boyfriend had his Oyster card, and I told the driver the machine wasn't giving tickets even though it had taken more than the fare money, but he wasn't having it and said I had to buy a ticket at some other stop in the area. I repeated that I had used enough money for 2 fares and told him I wasn't going anywhere, and he claimed that since I couldn't prove this, I couldn't ride.
At this point, enough was enough, and we informed him that the defect ticket machine was not our problem and that I had paid and we were going to sit down... to which the driver reacted by shouting after me that he wasn't going anywhere till I had a valid ticket! And then he promptly stopped the bus!
So I got up, went up to himand asked him if he seriously wasn't going to drive the bus anywhere... to which he replied yes, so... I called the police!
Now this never happens when it's something serious, but as luck would have it there were 3 police men on the opposite side of the street and they came over. I calmly explained the situation and told them the outcome and the attitude that the driver had presented us with, even added that if there was a ticket control and I had no ticket I would be to blame and would have to defend myself. and they agreed with me and said he was being unreasonable, and even vouched for me! One officer quoted his badge number and told the driver to contact him if there was any further issues.
Begrudgingly the driver had to start the engine and keep moving "not to further clog up traffic" as the police officers said.
I'm not normally one to cause a commotion, but I know when I'm right and I won't stand down. TfL has set up this system which fails on a very regular basis, and buses are extremely infrequent in Central London. Personally I feel that if their system fails it is not the customers problem. If you have to buy a ticket at the stop in Central London the machines should be checked and serviced at least every day if not even several times a day. And, as a customer services person myself I find the attitude shown by not only this driver but several drivers on TfL buses shocking.
From that day I will stand up to any TfL bus driver who does not meet my expectations. TfL say they will not tolerate abuse towards their staff, so why should we, the paying customers tolerate it from them?
Feel free to share your experiences with bus drivers and the like with others here.
Love peace and justice, Diamond xxx