While I don't consider myself a professional at anything drag or beauty related, I'd like to think that with my years of experience I might be able to help or give advice to anyone who has questions about do's and don't s in the world of drag or dressing as a woman.
With this in mind, I posted on Twitter to see if anyone had any questions they wanted to ask, about anything drag related, and I was thrilled with the fast response I got! So, on this page I'm going to try and answer any questions I've received, and would like to welcome further questions on Twitter or by email!
Ok, let's get started!
First I'd like to say that everyone will have their own routines and these views are my own and work for me. I've also asked other drag queens about their routines, and they are similar in as many ways as they differ. Also, there are many different styles of drag queens, so everything will vary depending on this too!
Preparations; the steps before even starting your 'Getting ready' routine.

However, when doing drag, there will naturally be a LOT of preparation! A mile of shaving for instance, as not only do I have a thick beard growth, but I have a fairly hairy chest (and some patches on my back! LOL!)
I find that when shaving my face, this is best done a few hours before makeup application starts, so I will do this in the morning. Also, I shave twice in one sitting, first normally, in a downward motion with the hair growth, and then a second time against the hair growth. This can leave your skin somewhat sensitive, which is why I do it early, giving the skin time to relax and heal. I also moisturise my face before applying makeup as I find this helps when removing it after.
Obviously, I need to shave my chest, underarms, and even shoulders and arms, which I do in the shower.
Part of the drag experience is the getting ready bit, and most drag queens have a routine here! As the process takes quite a long time, longer than it takes girls to get ready ( I schedule 2 hours or so, not including showering and shaving) it does help to have a routine to the process!
Personally, it takes time and effort to get into character as well as makeup, wig and outfit, and this usually happens during the "transition" process. I like to have music on, something camp and silly I can sing along to! This helps in finding your character as well as get me in the mood. Add a glass of wine maybe, to help loosen up, but this isn't always necessary! (More about alcohol and drag below!)
1. How do you secure your wig safely for windy situations?
This is a good one, as there is a right answer to this, but no wrong ones. The right way is to use a wig cap, and cross-pin the wig securely to your head using hair pins. If you have long hair, you will need to compact this densely to your head so your head doesn't look lumpy, or enormous for that matter! There are instructional videos available on the internet about this so I probably won't go into details. This is one of them.
Many drag queens I know actually have little or no hair in real life. This makes securing your wig a little more difficult, but then, not many drag queens are exposed to heavy wind, as most of us perform indoors, and rarely go on mountain hikes in drag. However, my friend Julie Paid has abseiled down one of the buildings in Canary Warf in full drag, and wore a helmet which secured her wig snugly!
If you are wearing a lace front wig, this will usually be glued to your forehead, and you can actually use toupee tape to secure a normal wig for outdoor activities.
Many drag queens I know actually have little or no hair in real life. This makes securing your wig a little more difficult, but then, not many drag queens are exposed to heavy wind, as most of us perform indoors, and rarely go on mountain hikes in drag. However, my friend Julie Paid has abseiled down one of the buildings in Canary Warf in full drag, and wore a helmet which secured her wig snugly!
If you are wearing a lace front wig, this will usually be glued to your forehead, and you can actually use toupee tape to secure a normal wig for outdoor activities.
2. How do you cope with all that makeup and wig when you need to step outside and it's raining?
Just like you would dear, with an umbrella!
Just like you would dear, with an umbrella!
3. How do you touch up your lipstick, especially when you do it like Blanche Babcock and use like
three colours and stuff and darker in the outer corners?
I usually don'y use that many colours on my lips, sometimes I'll use a darker lip liner, and for touch-ups I'll bring both liner, lip colour and gloss in my handbag. Sometimes it is easier to wipe it all off and do it again than it is to re-apply. Simply use a wet wipe (or a tissue if you have no wipes at hand) and do a blotting motion like you would when you blot your lip stick, and then start again
I usually don'y use that many colours on my lips, sometimes I'll use a darker lip liner, and for touch-ups I'll bring both liner, lip colour and gloss in my handbag. Sometimes it is easier to wipe it all off and do it again than it is to re-apply. Simply use a wet wipe (or a tissue if you have no wipes at hand) and do a blotting motion like you would when you blot your lip stick, and then start again
4. What are the best tights you would recommend?
Again, this really comes down to personal preference and need. By need I mean, do you just want to wear tights for the sake of the look, or do you want to cover up unsightly things like hair, bruises or scars etc. I don't shave my legs for drag, so I'll need to cover hair, and I do have some marks so I use dance tights. These are really thick tights used by.. you guessed it; dancers. These also hold in quite well, and are usually a base for the next layer, for example fishnets or coloured tights. I never wear black tights or fishnets as I feel that looks too... "tranny", for me! I'll explain this description later. If I wear fishnets, I get the flesh coloured ones.
Oh, and if I haven't got any dance tights, I'll buy a couple of 3-packs of cheap 15-30denier tights and layer them. This is a cheap fix, as dance tights are fairly expensive, but in the long run, dance tights win, hands down! Visit dancedirect.com for info.
Again, this really comes down to personal preference and need. By need I mean, do you just want to wear tights for the sake of the look, or do you want to cover up unsightly things like hair, bruises or scars etc. I don't shave my legs for drag, so I'll need to cover hair, and I do have some marks so I use dance tights. These are really thick tights used by.. you guessed it; dancers. These also hold in quite well, and are usually a base for the next layer, for example fishnets or coloured tights. I never wear black tights or fishnets as I feel that looks too... "tranny", for me! I'll explain this description later. If I wear fishnets, I get the flesh coloured ones.
Oh, and if I haven't got any dance tights, I'll buy a couple of 3-packs of cheap 15-30denier tights and layer them. This is a cheap fix, as dance tights are fairly expensive, but in the long run, dance tights win, hands down! Visit dancedirect.com for info.
5. What are the best places to buy shoes for big feet?
I'd say the internet and ebay especially. My first pairs of shoes were from a shoe store in Oxford street, but it's not for everyone to walk in to a shoe shop and buy women's shoes, so the net is a great help. For big feet, well I'm a size 9 so finding shoes in my size can be tricky. I look for peeptoe and/or slingbacks as this helps fit your foot into a size which might be too small, this way I can get a size 8.
At the moment, I'm in love with my new Bordello shoes, they were bought in a shop in Camden but are available online. They are sturdy, stylish and don't cost a fortune. Fair enough, they aren't cheap either but I consider a decent pair of shoes a good investment as they will last a long time.
Visit www.pleaserusa.com to see their selection, they do large sizes too!
6. Have you got any ideas of makeup products for people who are a budget?
Honey, I buy all my makeup on a budget!
No seriously, makeup can be quite expensive, and I think it's best to invest some money in the basics, such as a good foundation, a beard cover (if needed, and it is in my case), a decent liquid liner, a pigmented black eye shadow and good contouring products. These items I find need to be good quality and will last, and they provide a solid base for the rest of your makeup. Other than that, I go for cheap-ish all the way! My translucent powder is from Collection 2000, I have an 88-palette of eye shadows, some Barry M shimmers and a few liners and lipsticks in my kit, most of the drug store quality. It's again just my personal opinion, but as I don't use my makeup on a day-to-day basis, why spend a fortune on it?

At the moment, I'm in love with my new Bordello shoes, they were bought in a shop in Camden but are available online. They are sturdy, stylish and don't cost a fortune. Fair enough, they aren't cheap either but I consider a decent pair of shoes a good investment as they will last a long time.
Visit www.pleaserusa.com to see their selection, they do large sizes too!
6. Have you got any ideas of makeup products for people who are a budget?
Honey, I buy all my makeup on a budget!
No seriously, makeup can be quite expensive, and I think it's best to invest some money in the basics, such as a good foundation, a beard cover (if needed, and it is in my case), a decent liquid liner, a pigmented black eye shadow and good contouring products. These items I find need to be good quality and will last, and they provide a solid base for the rest of your makeup. Other than that, I go for cheap-ish all the way! My translucent powder is from Collection 2000, I have an 88-palette of eye shadows, some Barry M shimmers and a few liners and lipsticks in my kit, most of the drug store quality. It's again just my personal opinion, but as I don't use my makeup on a day-to-day basis, why spend a fortune on it?
7. What things you say in your head to have confidence to go out like that?
Hmm, very interesting, as I'm not sure there is anything I say or think as such. I guess if I'm doing a show, I'll run through the routine in my head, and cement the first line of the first song in my mind, as that first line can often be the most elusive.
I mentioned earlier about getting into character while getting ready, and to me this is the most important, as the moment I slip on (strap myself into) the shoes and perform the finishing touches (walk through a mist of perfume etc) I'm hopefully ready to go out, both physically and mentally! But, I will confess that when I took up drag again a handful of years ago, I had to psyche myself up in front of the door before going out into the street by saying "Come on! You can do this!!"
Hmm, very interesting, as I'm not sure there is anything I say or think as such. I guess if I'm doing a show, I'll run through the routine in my head, and cement the first line of the first song in my mind, as that first line can often be the most elusive.
I mentioned earlier about getting into character while getting ready, and to me this is the most important, as the moment I slip on (strap myself into) the shoes and perform the finishing touches (walk through a mist of perfume etc) I'm hopefully ready to go out, both physically and mentally! But, I will confess that when I took up drag again a handful of years ago, I had to psyche myself up in front of the door before going out into the street by saying "Come on! You can do this!!"
8. How to work with your own eyebrows when you dont have the time to cover them properly?
Great question! I always make sure I have time to do every step of my routine. Also, a time saver, I usually only cover the outer 2/3rd of my brows as I like to go for a more natural look rather than the "eyebrows in the mid to top forehead region" look! This works well for a dramatic look, and what you can do for this is to actually use your natural brow as your crease, by filling in with black and other colours and then just draw the new brow in above. The picture to the right is of Divine who famously made use of his balding head to create more space in the forehead by sticking down the wig half way towards the top of the head! Not a look that will work for everyone, and certainly not the most natural look!
I guess I'm lucky, as I said earlier I am blessed with fairly skinny fine brows that can easily work without covering. I'll sometimes just use concealer on the outer 2/3rd and add some light or white eyeshadow on top.
Great question! I always make sure I have time to do every step of my routine. Also, a time saver, I usually only cover the outer 2/3rd of my brows as I like to go for a more natural look rather than the "eyebrows in the mid to top forehead region" look! This works well for a dramatic look, and what you can do for this is to actually use your natural brow as your crease, by filling in with black and other colours and then just draw the new brow in above. The picture to the right is of Divine who famously made use of his balding head to create more space in the forehead by sticking down the wig half way towards the top of the head! Not a look that will work for everyone, and certainly not the most natural look!
I guess I'm lucky, as I said earlier I am blessed with fairly skinny fine brows that can easily work without covering. I'll sometimes just use concealer on the outer 2/3rd and add some light or white eyeshadow on top.
9. What do you consider the best makeup remover?
Baby oil ans baby wipes, for sure! As many of us use stage makeup like panstick instead of lighter weight foundation, baby oil removes all makeup in seconds, and wipes take off any remnants.
10. Alcohol and drag: how to cope.
I get this question, I really do! Again, much down to personal preference, my advice would be to do as you wish, consume as much or as little alcohol as you wish. I have friends who will not touch a drop when in drag, and others who get trollied and are capable of being fun to be with and able to get home in one piece! And as I said earlier, I'll have a glass of wine while getting ready, so I'm not going to judge or preach.
Taking into consideration you have to traipse around in heels and uncomfortable or impractical garments, it might be best to stay on the dryer side of sloshed, but up to you! Just remember that a dead drunk drag queen might not be pretty!
I get this question, I really do! Again, much down to personal preference, my advice would be to do as you wish, consume as much or as little alcohol as you wish. I have friends who will not touch a drop when in drag, and others who get trollied and are capable of being fun to be with and able to get home in one piece! And as I said earlier, I'll have a glass of wine while getting ready, so I'm not going to judge or preach.
Taking into consideration you have to traipse around in heels and uncomfortable or impractical garments, it might be best to stay on the dryer side of sloshed, but up to you! Just remember that a dead drunk drag queen might not be pretty!
11. What type or style of wig would suit most faces?
Well, just like hairstyles on women, not all styles and colours suit everyone, so the same applies to wigs and drag queens.
Also, the choice of wig depends on your style of drag, so again, there is no right or wrong. The choice of wig can make or break a costume/outfit.
I see a lot of people wearing wigs that have just been taken out of the packaging and plonked on the head, but like with natural hair a wig needs brushing and styling, maybe even cutting. If you aren't the best hair stylist around, go for a wig style that needs less maintenance and styling, like a shorter style or a bob.
Having said this, most women look good with a layered long hairstyle so I guess that could be the answer.
Well, just like hairstyles on women, not all styles and colours suit everyone, so the same applies to wigs and drag queens.
Also, the choice of wig depends on your style of drag, so again, there is no right or wrong. The choice of wig can make or break a costume/outfit.
I see a lot of people wearing wigs that have just been taken out of the packaging and plonked on the head, but like with natural hair a wig needs brushing and styling, maybe even cutting. If you aren't the best hair stylist around, go for a wig style that needs less maintenance and styling, like a shorter style or a bob.
Having said this, most women look good with a layered long hairstyle so I guess that could be the answer.
12. What style of lashes you would recommend for their ease of application?
Ok, I buy all my lashes cheap. And as some of you know, cheap lashes can be harder to put on. At the moment of writing I probably have 30-40 pairs in my kit, most of them the same style, bought on ebay. I don't find application a problem, just bend the lashes to soften the base, use enough glue and remember to let it go tacky and the application is much easier. Just take your time with it, and practise. But on the other hand, lashes with a thinner base are somewhat easier to apply. And, there are lash applicators available, though I've never tried one.
I'd like to thank you for your questions, I still have more to answer, and will expand this page as I go along! I still welcome questions or comments via email or on Twitter, so get your thinking hats on! No question is too silly or irrelevant!
Disclaimer: I have not been endorsed by any company or product mentioned in this post. These opinions are my own and might not suit everyone. All images have been shamelessly pilfered from the internet, should you own the intellectual rights to any of these and would like them removed, please contact me and I shall oblige!
Ok, I buy all my lashes cheap. And as some of you know, cheap lashes can be harder to put on. At the moment of writing I probably have 30-40 pairs in my kit, most of them the same style, bought on ebay. I don't find application a problem, just bend the lashes to soften the base, use enough glue and remember to let it go tacky and the application is much easier. Just take your time with it, and practise. But on the other hand, lashes with a thinner base are somewhat easier to apply. And, there are lash applicators available, though I've never tried one.
I'd like to thank you for your questions, I still have more to answer, and will expand this page as I go along! I still welcome questions or comments via email or on Twitter, so get your thinking hats on! No question is too silly or irrelevant!
Disclaimer: I have not been endorsed by any company or product mentioned in this post. These opinions are my own and might not suit everyone. All images have been shamelessly pilfered from the internet, should you own the intellectual rights to any of these and would like them removed, please contact me and I shall oblige!