Yes, of course I am on Facebook! (link to the right)
And yes, of course I am there for the attention, aren't we all?
But I have one or two small problems with FB, and that is the sheer amount of faceless nameless people (men) who think that just because they like my picture, I should add them as a friend!
Masses of requests flood my inbox every week, from anonymous guys with mainly drags and transsexuals/transvestites as "friends", often their profiles will have a picture of a car or a cartoon where their mugshot should be. Most of them are "straight" and "looking for women", yet 94% of their friend list is made up of drags and trannies...
It's not that I don't understand the attention and appreciate the awkward "compliments", don't get me wrong..
But, while I have taken the time and effort to upload several albums with pics of myself on my FACEbook profile, including a profile picture (without a doubt this is what attracted them in the first place?) these guys seem to think that just because they like my pics, I should be "hot for them"? I should appreciate their anonymity?
It's surprising how many faceless, anonymous, brainless "gods gifts to women" there are on Facebook, and most of them clearly can't read.. I don't just automatically accept friendship requests from every Tom, Dick and Harry who contact me. As a matter of fact I now have to keep the FB chat function permanently offline to avoid all the questions about when and where we can meet and how good I am at oral!
Here's what I've started replying to "certain" Facebookers who want to add me as their "friend":
Dear "Nameless"
Thanks for your friend request.
I get tonnes of similar requests every week, from faceless profiles of boys/men with mainly drags and ts/tv's as "friends", and I have decided that I will not accept these requests until there is an actual picture on their profile, preferably several of the same face.
I have taken the time and effort to upload many of pics of myself on my FACEbook profile, including a profile picture, and without a doubt this is the main reason you contacted me in the first place?
So I urge you to grow a pair of balls ;) and place your mugshot on your profile! Otherwise I will not add you, and I will recommend that my friends remove you from their lists too!
Kind regards Diamond x
So, you can say that I get what I deserve, I have put myself out there in public view and should be happy about the attention? Well, unlike many other people on FB, I am not semi-naked in my pics, they don't suggest I am looking for sex (at least I hope they don't!)
My question is, just because I am a man in a wig and dress, should I expect anything less than you or anyone else? Would you be happy to log on to FB and have 4 guys open chat windows asking if you take it up the ***? No, I didn't think so!
Well, then why should I?
Peace & Love, Diamond xxx