Tuesday, 1 June 2010

New Mini-series on YouTube: "Bearded Beauty!"

Hey kids,

so it would seem I am back with a vengeance... having not only posted 2 videos in as many days, but also have a couple more in the making! Yay! I'm so thrilled to be back, even if some of my YouTube subscribers might have forgotten about me or given up on me! LOL!

Yes, I cam up with the idea of doing a little mini-series, as I have a beard between each time I do Diamond, I thought I could incorporate this in my videos! Hence the "Bearded Beauty" series, and first out in this series is Tutankhamun, King of Egypt! Well, that was my inspiration anyway, take it as you like!

I looked up all kinds of images of King Tut, and obviously all you can find are pics of his sarcophagus so I took my inspiration from that. The eyebrows and eye liner is quite significant and defines the look, and I used mainly gold and orange and red with it on the eyes, all from my 88 palette! I used black eye liner and gold eye shadow on my lips, and a dark shimmery (cheap) bronzer from Superdrug on my face.

And then... I photoshopped the images to death! Haha!
There's barely a cm2 of skin in these images that hasn't been shopped, and that is what I wanted! This series is really less about the make up and more about the imagery! So please do not ask me how I got my skin to look like that! LOL!

Oh, and I am wearing the same wig as I did for my Tribal video, and a home made head dress in the style quite often pictured on King Tut!
See, I think it's quite likely that Tut had a beard at some point in his short life, and his sarcophagus shows him wearing some kind of beard wrap... so not so unlikely, this one! Just wait till the next one, much more unlikely!

Thanks for taking time to read, if you wanna see the video, it is here:

Untill next time, beijinhos lovelies!