Tuesday, 1 June 2010

New Mini-series on YouTube: "Bearded Beauty!"

Hey kids,

so it would seem I am back with a vengeance... having not only posted 2 videos in as many days, but also have a couple more in the making! Yay! I'm so thrilled to be back, even if some of my YouTube subscribers might have forgotten about me or given up on me! LOL!

Yes, I cam up with the idea of doing a little mini-series, as I have a beard between each time I do Diamond, I thought I could incorporate this in my videos! Hence the "Bearded Beauty" series, and first out in this series is Tutankhamun, King of Egypt! Well, that was my inspiration anyway, take it as you like!

I looked up all kinds of images of King Tut, and obviously all you can find are pics of his sarcophagus so I took my inspiration from that. The eyebrows and eye liner is quite significant and defines the look, and I used mainly gold and orange and red with it on the eyes, all from my 88 palette! I used black eye liner and gold eye shadow on my lips, and a dark shimmery (cheap) bronzer from Superdrug on my face.

And then... I photoshopped the images to death! Haha!
There's barely a cm2 of skin in these images that hasn't been shopped, and that is what I wanted! This series is really less about the make up and more about the imagery! So please do not ask me how I got my skin to look like that! LOL!

Oh, and I am wearing the same wig as I did for my Tribal video, and a home made head dress in the style quite often pictured on King Tut!
See, I think it's quite likely that Tut had a beard at some point in his short life, and his sarcophagus shows him wearing some kind of beard wrap... so not so unlikely, this one! Just wait till the next one, much more unlikely!

Thanks for taking time to read, if you wanna see the video, it is here:

Untill next time, beijinhos lovelies!

Monday, 31 May 2010

New video: contest entry for MakeupByGloria: Tribal!

Wow, it had actually been about 6 months since I last posted a video on YouTube, and it was about time I did a new one! Actually, I have made a few attempts in the last months, but Windows Movie Maker and FlashPlayer together decided it wasn't going to happen! But when I saw MakeupByGloria's contest, I knew I had to enter!

So, I sat down one evening after having gathered all my inspiration, did a look which didn't quite turn out as I had hoped.. so I altered it slightly... and ended up looking like a tropical bird! Haha!
So, the pictures stayed on the cutting room floor, as I started a second look!

I kept it very simple, almost too simple and slightly amateur-ish, and even though I am not impressed with the end result, I decided to post it anyway! Seeing as it had been ages since I posted anything, I just wanted to get back into it all again!

Well, so what did I do, you ask? Here it is!

I painted my forehead and eyelids red with 2 shades from my new 88 pallet as I didn't have any red grease paint, and the rest of my face with Screenface panstick in Almond and set it with a dark shimmery bronzer. I then applies a thick line of clown white from Ben Nye along the edge of the red and under my eyes, and some dots on my forehead and along the eyes. Finishing off with a line down the centre of my bottom lip.

Very simple!
I then donned a long brown wig, braided into two sections with two little braids at the side, and some choice accessories, and voila! Diamond has become a red indian clan chief!

I am under no illusion that I will win, but wow did it feel great to finally post another video on YouTube! Also, this seems to have dis-lodged whatever it was that was stopping me, as I have since then completed 2 more videos and am working on 3 more! Haha!

So I hope you enjoy my return to YouTube, please tell all your friends! ;)

The video for the contest can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oregi3tAHE0

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more from me in the future!

Kisses! Diamond xxx

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Nude? Please get dressed, it's apparently racist!

I'd like to start off by saying that I started writing this blog post absolutely aaages ago, I think it was in May 2010, at the time there were comments in the media about Michelle Obama wearing a "nude" Naeem Khan dress. My post was going to be about the controversy surrounding the issue of "nude" being a racist colour description, as clearly the dress was not Mrs President's skin colour... but then I never finished or published it. Now, I have dug it out again as I feel I want to share it anyway!
Underneath is (a somewhat edited version of) what I wrote:

Some of you might know that I work in fashion/textiles, and ever day is a mass of brides to be, aspiring fashion students and wannabe designers, in addition to a great number of well known high street and exclusive designers.

It has been a complete nightmare to see how well this 'nude' trend has caught on this season, we have not been able to keep enough stock of anything flesh, nude, peach, oyster, mink or blush, as well as anything silver or pale grey. And don't even get me started on silk jersey!

As a matter of fact, for the last few months I have been ready to clobber anyone who asks for nude fabrics of any sort! Judging by the fact that 98.9% of all UK based fashion students* are solely using nude and silver for their current design projects and collections, we will be flooded by these garments by spring/summer 2011... a whole year after this trend was in fact a trend!

(* this percentage is purely my estimate from watching students at work!)

But enough about me and my work life (for now anyway)! I wanted to talk about the actual trend of nude colours in fashion. Firstly I would like to say that, being a trendsetter as I am, I pioneered the nude look on New Years Eve 2009-10 with a multi layered nude tulle frock, all hand beaded with crystals, that would have left you gasping for air... had it been any other colour but nude!

This gets us to my issue with the nude trend.. nobody but nobody looks good in a nude outfit. It is just not a very becoming colour, on anyone. Ok ok, I hear you, it looks great on the catwalk, and yes that is the only place it does. But so do a lot of garments and concepts you see on a runway that you would never in a million years wear in public.

Just recently, Michelle Obama stepped out in a hand beaded 'champagne' coloured gown by designer Naeem Khan. This somehow sparked a weird media discussion on racism. The designer, Naeem Khan explained that it was a 'sterling-silver sequin, abstract floral, nude strapless gown'.

However, when the Associated Press news agency, reporting on the event, referred to the colour as 'flesh', they were lambasted by one editor, who asked 'Whose flesh? Not Michelle Obama's'

In my opinion, Michelle Obama looked stunning in that dress, mainly because it wasn't the same colour as her skin. Had it been.. let's face it, a brown dress, it wouldn't have caused a racial stir, but it would have looked awful. She would have looked like she had been rolled in glue and tin foil! Not a great look!

2011 afterthought: This was as far as I got with it, so I'd like to add the following at this point.
I'm not going to comment on the racial issues as I don't see the point. It's about fashion, not politics.
To me, the pasty anemic 'nude trend' has lived its life, overstayed its welcome. Get rid!
Surely it is time for colour blocking now?

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Fashion: Dear Miuccia Prada...

This picture was in last weeks Gracia, showing a jacket and shorts from Prada...

If you parden the pun, the outfit (minus the blouse) comes to you at a "snip" under £1300. Yes ladies and... well ladies, for a mere £1300 you too can be the owner of this stunning ensemble!

But wait, I hear you say, what is wrong with that? Well, plenty actually!

As a seamstress and "designer" (oh how I hate using that terminology) I would like to mention the missing waistband on the shorts, or maybe there is a waistband and it has been tucked in for this shoot? The way the shorts 'bulge' at the top of the fly front kind of disturb me, and gives an indication that they might be folded in ...

But the horridness doesn't stop there, oh no!
Styling wise I guess it's misfortunate that the ensemble has been paired with a white blouse. Is that the shirt flakes sticking out from under the shorts or is that the pocket lining??
The fact that the hems haven't been finished off, but rather left "raw" doesn't help, but rather strengthens the look of 'long trousers cut into shorts'.

Dear Miuccia Prada.
For £1300, could you not at least have gotten a poor fashion intern to hem/overlock/FINISH the garments? Deconstruction is so Ann Demeulemeester ca late 80's!
Thank you!

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Sex with the ex... ?

Now that I've got your attention... ;)

I wasn't really going to talk about sex with the ex, but having a relationship with your ex, as this is a subject that has come up a lot lately in my life. So, I wanted to share my views and get yours!

A little over 2 years ago, my boyfriend of 5 years and I broke up, and it turned my world around. We had shared everything for half a decade, good and bad times. Mainly good times. So for a few months we didn't really get on that well, sure, we'd still communicate, but on a practical level, arranging cat sitters and returning property etc.

Then, in the summer, I was around his house to collect something, and we had a little chat about how things were going, and he confided in me saying he had made a mess with someone he was seeing. So, good natured as I like to think I am, I talked him through it and gave him some advice. That was the point where we decided that even though we were no longer together, we could still be friends, and since then we have!

To make this even more complicated, throughout our relationship he was also great friends with his ex before me, who in turn is friends with his ex! Together, the four of us would go out for meals and drinks, or on holidays and weekend trips. The Ex-Men I used to call us, and still do!

Sure, there'd be arguments now and again, as there always will be with a group of opinionated people. But they were usually silly little things we'd get over in no time. Nothing really serious. My ex can be stubborn to a fault, and so can his ex.

But then, there was the fifth part of this story, my ex's current boyfriend. He was never too keen on the idea of doing things with us, and it has emerged that he didn't like that my ex was friends with his ex-es. This (among other issues) caused the end of their relationship (the one I gave advice on and helped work in the early days)...

Now I am seeing someone, who also has a great relationship with his ex. They exchange calls and texts, not on a daily basis but still, and his friends find it weird that he is in contact with his ex.

So I wanted to ask you guys, how do you feel about having a relationship with your ex?
If you are friends with your ex, are you comfortable with them, and even their new partners?
How do you feel about your current partner and their ex(s)?
Would you ditch your friendship with your ex if your partner asked you to?

PS. I understand that most people don't have the same relationship with all their ex-es...